Quick Information

Some of the important information of our system derived from our database is made public for awarness. You can find analytical summary of active donors, sent requests and response rate, active events, total donations recorded, report on various blood groups, etc.

Find Donors

Use our system to find donors and contact them immediately. Search donors based on their blood group, location and availability. Send request to as many donors as you can for higher chances of finding one.

Donation Events

We organize blood donation events on various parts along with awarness programs and health camp. You can mark 'interested' on our published events and we will make sure of assisting you to join us.

How It Works ?

Start by connecting with us through our mobile app. You don't have to be a blood donor to connect with us. We also have a web based application for you to use. You can be a hot donor, or normal active donor, or a passive user. Various features in our app will be active or disabled according to your preferences. In addition, you can also be a member in our organization and actively work with us in our mission.

Social Revolution !

Structure of our society is based on the help and support given by its people to each other. No society can flourish without these qualities. A healthy society is the next big social revolution.